Odoo 15 Basic Restaurant Managers Course [ENGLISH]

Odoo 15 Basic Restaurant Managers Course [ENGLISH]

This course will introduce you to the basic components of Odoo which you need to understand to manage a POS that runs on Odoo.

550.00 MT
550.0 MZN 550.00 MT
550.00 MT
Responsible Luke Joshua
Last Update Wed 25/Jan/2023
Completion Time 5 hours 47 minutes
Members 6
Basic Intermediate
  • Inventory App - Basic
    • Inventory Basics & First Warehouse Operations
    • Inventory Adjustment Techniques | Change Stock Quantity
    • Units of Measures
      10 xp
    • Picking Methods
    • Reordering Rule | Minimum Stock
    • Managing Serial Numbers
    • Managing Lots (Managing Batches)
    • Working with perishable products
  • Purchase App
    • Purchase Basics and Your First RFQ
    • Reordering Rules | Odoo Purchase
    • Purchase Lead Times
  • Sales App
    • Sales Basics and Your First Quote
    • Odoo Sales Pricelists
  • Invoicing App
    • Issue a Customer Invoice
    • Sales Order to Invoice with Odoo ERP
    • Manage Customer Statements and Follow-ups
  • Employee App (HR App)
    • Human Resources Basics | Odoo HR
  • POS App