Como adicionar um item de menu e uma receita

In this video we explore how to add a product in the POS which is made up of a kit of other items (it's ingredients) and that is automatically added to our POS for the waitrons to use as well as deducting the stock of any ingredients we use. In this video we also explore costing your product.

Please remember this process requires the Manufacture App to be installed.

With this method you can also sell a beverage as a shot or as a bottle. In the example bellow we create a product called Beverage that costs 900mt per bottle and is sold per shot/bottle:

Make sure you have these units of measure created in your Volume Unit of Measure Categories  (Inventory → Configuration → UoM Categories)
a smaller unit is calculated as =(reference unit of measure) / Item Volume
                                                      =1000/750 (bottle of 750ml to 1L reference Litre of measure)

  1. In the Inventory App→ Products → Products, Create a new product called "Beverage Shot",
    # this is the product that will be tracked and counted in stock controls
    - Set an image if you wish
    - allow this product to be Sold & Purchased
    - Set the product type to Storable Product
    - Set the cost price to be =900/30
    - Set the Sales Price to the cost price plus your margin =30*2 (For a 50% materials cost margin)- Check that the Customer Taxes are as you desire.- Set the Unit of Measure to Shot 25ml (this is the unit discounted from stock by the POS & the unit used in stock controls)- Set the Purchase UoM to Bottle 750ml (This tells the system that you purchase the product in 750ml bottles)- In the Sales tab, make sure Avaiiable In POS is selected & an appropriate POS Category is selected.- Save the product.
  2. Create another product called "Beverage Bottle".#This product will be available in the POS but not in purchase or in stock control, this product will take from the Beverage Shot stock- Set Can be Sold to check but make sure Can be Purchased is unchecked.- Set Product Type to consumable to avoid confusion between the tracked product & borrowing product- Set Cost to 900 (it is worth setting this to get accurate margin reports)- Set Sales Price to =900*2 (For a 50% materialscost margin)- Make sure the Customer Taxes are as you expect.- Set the Unit of Measure to Bottle 750ml and the Purchase UoM will autofill the same. - In the Sales tab, make sure Avaiiable In POS is selected & an appropriate POS Category is selected.
  3. Save the product and fund the Bill of Materials smart button.
  4. Create a new Bill of Material
  5. Define the Bill of Material as below:- Set BoM Type to Kit (this is important to automatically deduct stock and not create a manufacture order)- Add a line under the Component section and select the product "Beverage Shot" and calculate the quantity as =750/25 (30) (this is to say calculate how many shots there are in a bottle to establish how many shots to deduct from the stock to make 1 bottle)- That's it, Selling a Beverage Bottle will deduct 30 shots from the stock.
  6. Save the Bill Of Materials    NB: You may have to close the POS and reload the session for these items to appear in the POS immediately.
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