Privacy Policy

Terms of service

These terms of service ("Terms", "Agreement") are an agreement between the website ("Horizon Sociadade Unipessoal Limitada", "us", "we" or "our") and you ("The User", "you" or "your"). This Agreement sets forth the general terms and conditions of your use of this website and any of its products or services (collectively, "Website" or "Services").

We reserve all rights. This includes but is not limited to reserving the right to limit some or all access to our websites or services.

Links to other Websites

Although this website may be linked to other websites, we are not, directly or indirectly, implying any approval, association, sponsorship, endorsement, or affiliation with any linked website, unless specifically stated herein.

You should carefully review the legal statements and other conditions of use of any website which you access through a link from this Website. Your linking to any other off-site pages or other websites is at your own risk.

Use of Cookies

Website may use cookies to personalize and facilitate maximum navigation of the User by this site. The User may configure his / her browser to notify and reject the installation of the cookies sent by us.  We will never sell, exchange or share any user data.

Our cookies are used for:

1. User credentials - once you log in on your browser a cookie is stored with a secure access token to allow you to browse the restricted parts of our website. 

2. Page Tracking - ONLY ON OUR WEBSITE - we do track users on our website as they move between pages to see where we can improve our website design as well and track interest. We do not track you across other sites. We will also track which products you look at (only on this website) in order to try gain you as a potential customer - this is done manually by a sales person.

3. Google analytics - We do embed google tracking links in our website to gather greater insight to users visiting out website. 

Why we don't implement a cookie warning banner: "session cookies, authentification and analytics, you do not need to ask for the consent (see e.g. Opinion 04/2012 on Cookie Consent Exemption by the EU Art.29 WP)".

We keep all user data that the user fills in to facilitate our basic business operation. Client and Vendor contact information is kept indefinitely to conform with legal requirements in Mozambique. 

We do not keep and will never ask you for:

1. Credit card details. All payments are done by bank transfer or in cash, should we implement a payment acquirer, we will not keep any transaction details regarding to your account but only the remaining transfer details and information we are legally obligated to keep for business operations.

2. Biometrics and Location data. Horizon only needs to know to who and where to deliver and invoice it's clients and therefore does not "track" anyone.  

If you would like us to send all information we have relating to you, please fill out the following form:

Your request has been submitted

Our team will message you back as soon as possible.
In the meantime we invite you to visit our website.

If you would like us to delete all copies of your information, please fill out the form below.

We need to know what information to delete.
This is so we can confirm you wish to delete your data and then send you a confirmation email when this is done.
May we ask why you wish to delete all your data?
Protected by reCAPTCHA, Privacy Policy & Terms of Service apply.

Your request to delete all your information has been submitted.

Our team will message you back as soon as possible.
This process is expected to take about a week.
If you did not mean to do this, please contact us.

User passwords on all Horizon systems are salted and hashed. We have no need to view or analyze these. Typically on our software we implement strict password requirements and multi factor authentication where possible for the protection of our users.

In the event that a client, client representative or user does give a technician a password to perform a service, this password will be stored in a secure location protected by biometric authentication or a random >16 character symbol and alphanumeric password designed to be too hard for a human to remember and too hard for traditional brute force attacked. This or these passwords will be kept until 1 week after payment has been received and then it will be deleted.