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Desenvolvedor Web e Design Gráfico - Meio período

1 posição por preencher

Job Description

Website Developer: This job requires you to create websites from PDF designs, all websites are expected to have responsive layouts and will all require working contact forms and galleries.
Other than those complex tasks, the html & JavaScipt experience required is minimal. However you do need to have a fairly decent understanding of css to create good div layouts as per design. 

Graphic Design: This will be for creating logo's and designing graphics, you will be provided with a colour pallet, a description of what the client does and a description of what the client wants, preference would be if you know how to work with SVG's however not critical. 

Files will be shared and co-ordinated via email and payment will be done per completed page.

Working Hours & Environment

This job is expecting you to work from home and working hours are flexible and depend entirely on when you are free, targets will be set over a 48h periods to allow for clients to request deadlines. You will likely receive designs over Saturday afternoon & Sunday's however you are expected to only work standard working hours. 

Payment for works will not depend on hours but on a commission basis & deadlines met - quotation and final price will be agreed before a job is begun. 

Required Qualifications

- High School Grade 8 graduation or higher.

- English to Matric level or higher.

- Some experience with website creation, and ready to present 4 previously created websites (do not need to be live).

- Demonstrate understanding of HTML (we have an internal course).

- Demonstrate understanding of CSS (we have an internal course).

- Demonstrate understanding of JavaScript (we have an internal course).

--Work Remote / From Home--
sábado 18-fev-2023 05:50:11
Sobre nós

Sobre nós

We are a team of passionate people whose goal is to improve everyone's life through disruptive products. We build great products to solve your business problems.