Colour Festival

Colour Festival Organised by: 

Dates: 17 & 18 August 2019

Horizon had the privilege of co-ordination and sending DJ L2K for this incredible event hosted at Vilanculos Beach Lodge and organized by Hoyo Hoyo. The itinerary included live bands, tribal dancers, a crafts and market and many awesome activities such as an on the house sunset trip, kitesurfing and an amazing beach side colour run with our own DJ Hummingbird (formerly known as DJ L2K) performing to crowds on both the beach and to the guests throughout the 2 day event. 

Images are property of Hoyo Hoyo.

Images are property of Hoyo Hoyo.

Images are property of Hoyo Hoyo. Local tribal dancers gave an incredible 4 hour performance while dancing to a collaboration of local musicians.

Images are property of Hoyo Hoyo. DJ Hummingbird performing as the colour run on the beach began.

Images are property of Hoyo Hoyo. The Colour run starting with our own DJ Hummingbird (Formerly DJ L2K) in the background.

To find out more about Hoyo Hoyo and their upcoming awesome events please contact Angela.

Colour Festival
Luke Joshua 25 julho, 2022
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